Guitar & Bass parts

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Guitar & Bass parts: Fender Musicmaster bass parts

see also

FENDER BASSES Fender Bronco bass Fender Coronado bass Fender Jaguar bass Fender Jazz bass Fender Musicmaster bass Fender Mustang bass Fender Precision bass Fender Telecaster bass

1964 Fender Metal Done Knob Lightweight fits Telecaster Musicmaster Bass Pre CBS

Greenwood, Indiana, 461**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


This listing is for one (1) knob off a early 1964 Fender Musicmaster. This is the same knob found on Tele, Esquire, Precision Bass, Jazz Bass, and Duo Sonic guitars. The lightweight, rolled edge styling appeared in the 1950's and used into the mid 1960's. The plating on this knob has mostly fallen off and left the aluminum bare to oxidize. Sold as is
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